Hypnobirthing Australia™ Group Classes
$550 per couple
Please note that each space available on a course is ‘per couple’.
A great time to take the course is around the 30-ish week stage but it absolutely can be done before or after this time.
We include morning tea and lunch, plus a follow up birth plan review to consolidate your experience.
2025 Course Dates
Feb - In Person Course - BOOK HERE
Date: 22nd & 23rd February - 9.30am - 4.30pm
Location: Killara
Apr - In Person Course - BOOK HERE
Date: 5th & 6th April - 9.30am - 4.30pm
Location: Killara
May - In Person Course - BOOK HERE
Date: 10th & 11th April - 9.30am - 4.30pm
Location: Killara
Jun - In Person Course - BOOK HERE
Date: 14th & 15th April - 9.30am - 4.30pm
Location: Killara
Want more info? Contact us and we’d be happy to help
Positive Birth Course Outline
UNIT 1 : Creating & Maintaining a Positive Mindset
Introduction to the positive mindset of hypnobirthing
How our brain is wired to birth
The role of our caregivers
The mind/body connection
What is self-hypnosis and how will we use it for birthing?
Our hormones are our friends
Understanding the physiology behind birthing
Fear-Tension-Pain syndrome
Causes of fear and how it affects our labour
Re-programming the sub-conscious
Our support team
Birthing environment
The language of empowered birthing
The power of affirmations
UNIT 2 : Our Toolkit for Birth
Self-hypnosis tracks
Birth music
Conditioning with scent
Hypnotic anchors and triggers
Releasing endorphins through massage & touch
Acupressure techniques for pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding
Visualisations for pregnancy, labour & birthing
The importance of facial relaxation
Relaxation Breathing - a skill for life
Surge Breathing - the best tool ever!
Techniques to help make your surges more comfortable
The ‘urge’ to push/bear down - Breathing/Bearing Down
Instant relaxation techniques
UNIT 3 : Preparation & Choices for Empowered Birthing
Bonding with baby
Birth Preferences - communication with your caregivers
Knowledge is power - common interventions & procedures
Questions to ask to assist in making informed decisions
Birth partner as advocate
‘Guess Date’ - a normal range of pregnancy
Inductions - things you’re not always told
Achieving a natural start to labour
Maintaining a healthy diet
Preparing the body - staying active
Optimising baby’s position
Breech or posterior - options & positions
Self-hypnosis, meditation and deep relaxation techniques & scripts
UNIT 4 : Birth - Bringing It All Together
What to expect in the weeks and days leading up to birth
Signs that labour is starting
What to expect through labour
When to call the midwife/go to the hospital
Accidental home/car birth - what to do!
Birth partner’s role
Common procedures
Using water during labour & birth
Upright positioning, movement & birth positions
Special circumstances (Including caesarean birth)
Fear release
Cord clamping & placenta delivery
Undisturbed bonding & breastfeeding time - skin to skin
What to expect afterwards
Self-hypnosis - Rehearsal for Birth
A practice routine - preparation for birth
Want to know more? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help
Included in all Hypnobirthing Australia™ Programs
An engaging and practical weekend - group courses run from 9.30- 4.30pm with other like-minded expectant parents.
Online and downloadable resources to accompany the program
Support via a private facebook group of like-minded hypnobirthing parents and facilitators.
Rainbow Mist MP3: a guided relaxation using hypnobirthing breathing, guided imagery, visualisations and subconscious prompting to condition your thoughts, release fears and build faith in your own ability to birth.
Affirmations for beautiful birthing MP3
Surge of the Sea MP3: a guided relaxation and self- hypnosis for Childbirth
The Kajabi App allows you to listen to MP3s anywhere anytime or download tracks to listen off- line.
‘little book of Hypnobirthing’ ebook: a summary of the hypnobirthing philosophy, mindset and techniques.
Worksheets: including Cheat Sheets for Acupressure and Birth Partner, Breathing Techniques and Birth Preferences Template.
Extra Practice Videos: Facial Relaxation, Opening Flower Visualisation, Mini- Hypno Relaxation, Bubble of Comfort and Birth Rehearsal video.
Comprehensive ‘Extra Reading and Research List’: Knowledge is power so ensure use this to inform yourself to enable you to make the best decision for you (should the need arise).
Routine for Practice: up to 36 weeks and 36 onwards for a positive and empowering birth.
Inspiring and empowered Birth Video to demonstrate the hypnobirthing techniques in action.
Scripts for your partner to read (and/or record): Bubble of Comfort, Rainbow Mist, Glove of Endorphins & Deepeners and ‘The Journey’- an Additional Fear Release.
Want to know more? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help
Educating families from all areas of Sydney including the CBD, North Shore, Northern Beaches, Inner West, Eastern Suburbs and more.Based on the North Shore, we prepare your for birth in all types of births in all types of environments, including home, birth centre and hospital. Many of our families are giving birth in hospitals like:
Royal North Shore Hospital Public St Leonards (RNS), Royal North Shore Private North Sydney, The Mater Hospital Wollstonecraft, Northern Beaches Hospital Frenchs Forest, Hospital for Women Randwick (RHW), Prince of Wales Private (POWP), Royal Prince Alfred Camperdown (RPA), Westmead Public Hospital, Westmead Private Hospital, Hornsby Hospital, The Sydney Adventist Hospital Wahroonga (SAN) … and more.